Tuesday, July 28, 2015

EXPLORE IT - Habakkuk 2:2-20

“Blessings” and “woes” are often presented in Scripture as opposing outcomes for those who follow God’s path and for those who don’t.  While blessings lead to happiness or prosperity, woes often communicate sorrow or judgment.  In our passage this week, the “blessing” may seem hidden.  God has told Habakkuk that the Israelites will be overtaken by the Babylonians, that God is raising them up to be the punishment for sins of the Israelites; but the blessing is that this punishment will not last forever.  At God’s appointed time (which ends up being 539 B.C., about 66 years after Habakkuk’s prophecy), Babylon will fall and the Israelites will be free once more.

The woes in our passage are much clearer and are addressed to the Babylonians.  One of Habakkuk’s concerns is that Israel’s punishment doesn’t seem to fit the crime; the Israelites are corrupt, but they are not as evil as the Babylonians.  Through the five “woes” of our passage this week, we learn that God does indeed plan on punishing the Babylonians for their sin as well.
These “woes” address Babylon’s greed, pride, self-centeredness, violence, and idol worship.  God does realize the vastness of Babylon’s wrongdoing and does intend to eventually hold them accountable even though it may seem they are enjoying God’s favor for a season.  Even though God lifts up the Babylonians for a time, God will hold them accountable and bring them to their fall in His perfect time.

We sometimes tend to be like the Babylonians in that we are sinners and as we continue to sin, it never seems that God holds us accountable.  We keep living lives of sin as we enjoy working at our job, as we continue to pay our bills, and as we are happy in our relationships.  It may seem that we are living with God’s favor as we knowingly continue to sin.  But just as the Babylonians eventually fell, so will we.  Even though it may seem God is allowing us to live sinful lives without consequences, we will be held accountable one day.
If there is sin in your life that seems to not have any consequences, repent, turn to God and seek Him!!  It is better to live a life of righteousness, receiving the “blessings” of God, than to be puffed up and eventually be taunted with “woes.”

Pastor Amy

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