Tuesday, March 8, 2016

EXPLORE IT! - 1 Peter 4:14-16

In the Scripture passage for this week, the writer continues to discuss in even more detail the responsibilities of a church and its leader in the midst of trials.

This passage also specifically refers to the believers as “Christians.” That may not seem like a big deal at first, but the believers were not always known as Christians. The term Christian was meant to be a derogatory term given to them by others.

The Book of Acts records that the believers used to be known as the people of The Way, but that once the church began to spread and grow among both Jews and non-Jews in the city of Antioch, people began to call them “Christians.” They got this name because they refused to hold prejudices against people of different cultures and backgrounds – this was a big deal!

Let’s also not forget that during the time that 1 Peter was composed, the believers in Asia Minor (to whom the letter is written) were being punished for simply bearing the name of Christ. The letter points to the example of Peter and the other apostles who were killed and suffered for Christ, and it calls the second generation of believers in Asia Minor who are now also being persecuted to live as they did.

The persecution was so intense that the writer refers to it as a “fiery trial” of suffering. But his message doesn’t end with suffering, it ends with hope and glory. The writer says to them, “Don’t be surprised by the fiery trial surrounding you.”

He even goes so far as to tell them to praise God for their persecutions. He says, “Rejoice that you can suffer as Christ suffered and experience his glory more fully when he is revealed.”

He later goes on to say that if you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

He also says that if you do suffer, it better not be because you are a criminal, or even an obnoxious person.

And if you suffer as a Christian (a derogatory term back then), don’t be ashamed, because you are wearing the name of Christ.

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