Wednesday, May 14, 2014

It's Time To Eat, Regularly - A Message from Pastor Todd

Dear PoC Family,
When you think about it, “irregularity” is a funny word.  Ok, so maybe you shouldn’t think about it for very long.  It is, however, a word that’s been on my mind a lot lately.  No, not for personal reasons, though now you’re wondering.  But, for spiritual reasons . . . Kingdom reasons . . . PoC reasons.  Let me explain . . .
In Acts 2: 44-47, we see the result of “regularity”.  “All the believers kept meeting together, and they shared everything with each other.  From time to time, they sold their property and other possessions and distributed the money to anyone who needed it.  The believers had a single purpose and went to the temple every day.  They were joyful and humble as they ate at each other’s homes and shared their food.  At the same time, they praised God and had the good will of all the people.  Every day the Lord saved people, and they were added to the group.”
One of the problems that we can have with a sermon series like the one we are in presently is that as we go through the list of the 6 Holy currencies (Story, Listen, Eat, Bless, Celebrate, and Recreate) that “Dad” has given us to recirculate His blessings to all of His children (both lost and found) is that it can feel a lot like a “word of the day” calendar.  It highlights a word for that day or even that week, but before you know it you move on to another word, another day, another week.  Our minds move on so quickly.  It’s not a recipe for regularity.  It feels more occasional than regular.  The currencies aren’t meant to be a weekly focus, but are intended to be a collection of tools that are regularly added to our daily rhythms.
I think one of the reasons that so many believers experience such an up-and-down relationship with Jesus and enjoy such infrequent joy and effectiveness in ministry is because of irregular patterns and rhythms in their spiritual walk.  There was a day when the church met together daily (that’s cool) and even in my lifetime, I remember the church meeting multiple times during the week.  I know you would agree that meeting together in each other’s homes and on the temple courts (wherever we “hang out”) would be one of the most powerful secrets to helping believers be more regularly “on point” regarding our mission and purpose, our calling and focus.    
I wonder how long it took before “all the believers” began to feel and live out the “do something” urgency that we read in Acts 2.  I, for one, need time to “get my head around” big changes and “missional living” is a very big change.  I think God has given PoC our combined stories along with this 8-week sermon series along with our 6-week Sunday night “conversation” so that we can all get our heads around missional living.  If we are not careful, this sermon series will come and go along with “the conversation”.  Because of this, we need to add “doing something” to our consideration, conversation and contemplation.  In other words, we need to “do something” WHILE we are getting our head around it.
That’s why I’m writing today.  This week we will be learning that God has given us the Holy Currency of Eating:  Regularly eat meals with others as a way of inviting them into the family of God.  Why?  Because eating meals with others not only shows care and inclusiveness, but the meals themselves embody love in community.  They put flesh on the phrase “You’re welcome here anytime.”  Meals turn outsiders into family.  I want us to get our head around this rhythm.  I want us to do something while we are getting our head around it.  Make plans now to open your home and/or you schedule to others this week.  It’s time to eat.
Finally, there are three ways the New Testament completes the sentence, “The Son of Man came . . .”:
  1. The Son of Man (came not) to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many”.
  2. The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
  3. The Son of Man came eating and drinking.
Consider this:  the first two are statements of purpose answering the question, “Why did Jesus come?”  He came to serve, to give life as a ransom, to seek and to save the lost.  But the third statement is a statement of method.  HOW did Jesus come?  He came eating and drinking.  His “excess” of food and “excess” of grace are linked.  Jesus did not go around merely talking about eating and drinking:  He went around eating and drinking.  Jesus ate with others – a lot – regularly!
Can’t wait to see you Sunday.  Your Pastors Are Praying For You,
Pastor Todd

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