Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Conversation - What does it mean to be MISSIONAL?

The Conversation got off to a great start today!  We had 52 PoC hearts gathered into our prayer room, sharing thoughts about where God is leading us.  What an exciting time!  It was impossible to record every single thought and comment, but here's a sampling of what was said... 

Q: It is not foolish to give until you have less, so that others have more.
Agree or disagree? Why or why not?

Q: Where are your daily temple courts?  Where do you hang out, that you can tell your story?

Our catalysts for spiritual growth will come later.  We want to become known for helping people.  We want to be naturally relational.  Organic.  Intentional.


Q: When you hear the word “Missional,” what does that mean to you?

A: To act on an impulse…If something comes to mind that can benefit go and do it.
A: You have a purpose
A: Opportunity
A: Missionaries
A: Sender and receiver
A: Our respective fields…work, where we live, what we do...each person has a place they are sent to.


Q: Do you know any missionaries?

A: On our church’s district Staci in PNG, Mary Beth in a Creative Access Area, Ermias in Ethiopia
A: All of us.  

Q: Why do you say we are all missionaries?  

A: God gives us all impulses to do things for people.

Q: How does it feel to know you've been sent by God?

A: Empowered.  Makes me want to be on the same page with everyone else.
A: The jobs we do are part of what the kingdom of God looks like.  Our vocations are built into that.
A: Sometimes it is scary because sometimes God calls us into places we are not comfortable.
A: Knowing I'm a missionary is my crutch.  Knowing God has called me to do this, I know he will give me the strength to get through it, because I can’t by myself.

Q: How does it make you feel knowing you are a missionary?

A: Valued...that God is giving me something important for Him to do through me.  He thinks that much of me to allow me to do things for him.
A: A good mission is getting out of yourself and helping people...usually those closest to you. 

The story of Jesus first miracle at the wedding in Cana--John 2:2-12 NIV

Jesus was just a regular person, a family friend, a-friend-of-a-friend kind of guest at this wedding.  He didn't come expecting to do a miracle.  But when the opportunity presented itself, he stepped in and did what God wanted him to do.

Jesus was easily persuaded by the spirit and adaptable to context, culture, and need.

We can tend to get so busy doing church activities and church work that we are not adaptable at all.


Q: What fears/excitement do you have about being missional?

A: You can't outreach if you don't inreach. If we don't support each other in the church, we won't necessarily support others.  We need to connect with each other outside of church throughout the week, not just AT church.
A: Throwing a  small group or event at people may be trying to create artificial relationships. It needs to be more natural.  We need to gather and build relationships on our own.
A: Continuity.  What to do to keep in contact about discipleship after salvation.  Help new Christians grow and have next steps in their walk with Jesus.
A: God has put these burdens on each of our hearts—including our youth. Can't wait to hear what our teens have to say.  We’ve done big events and great programs and they are great, but the “high” from those doesn't last.
A: Prayer is not our out. 

Q: What glaring needs has God placed in front of you that you are currently ignoring?

A: HomelessA: NeighborsA: Teens who need Jesus, thinking of a great hangout place where teens who are far from Jesus would come.

Q: What hobbies do you have that would be easy to share with others in a group setting?

A: Cooking
A: crochet
A: memory keeping
A: pets
A: softball
A: nutrition
A: entertain/host
A: bonfire
A: hiking
A: camping
A: whitewater rafting


Q: What's keeping you from being more missional?

A: Preconceptions of what a missionary is. How to build relationships. We have to have the sensitivity to the spirit. We have to be spontaneous.
A: Fear of being rejected when we talk to others about Jesus.
We are called to obedience; not to results. We have to remember that truth of God.
A: Shyness. Find someone who can model the outgoing personality and learn from them.
A: Time management.  Focus.


Q: What is something you have felt the Lord nudging you to do?

A: Guy hangout time, having guys over to watch a movie
A: Giving hair care
A: Sending a card
A: Visiting neighbors


Q: What is something you have felt the Lord nudging you to do that you haven’t done?

A: Not praying for someone in the moment
A: Not stopping gossip


Q: What is something you have felt the Lord nudging you to do that involved pain?

A: Leaving a job I loved, benefits, income
A: Moving when I didn't want to

Q: What are some of the reason why you didn’t obey the Lord’s nudging?

A: My house is too dirty to invite people over
A: Too painful
A: Fear of change


Q: Why is being missional a hot topic for PoC right now?

A: There is a cultural void.
A: As a young church we want to be missional as part of our DNA.
A:This has been God's goal all along.
A: We can t exist in a vacuum. We need to live out the example and set the example of following missional impulses.
A: This is the right time. The people are here. The Lord is guiding us.
A: Other people need us. They need to know about Christ and be saved.
A: People are hurting.
A: Jesus has a point of change for all of us and we help others reach that point. 

A: It's not God's plan for us to be unintentional.


Q: Imagine if Jesus were to walk into this room right now and sit next to you and say, “Come on; get up. Come with me; we're going."  Where do you think he would take you? Why? 

A: To see the kids I grew up with. Most of them either came to church with me at some point or didn’t come when I invited them.  He would show me I need to keep after them; get back in touch. Keep telling them about Jesus.
A: To family members homes. To hard places.
A: I want him to take me to my brothers home so he can see that knowing Jesus matters and makes a difference in life.
A: To little snapshots through my day where I'm missing opportunities.
A: He would take me to a conflict with a relative who is very vocal against Christianity so I could confront him and share the truth about Jesus.
A: To a city, where lots of people are. It would be interesting to see him model where he would go and who He would interact with.
A: He would show me how to be more intentional in every moment
A: To multiple journeys, similar to show me how things could have been had I not changed and how I still need to change.


Don't wait to decide how you're going to live more missionally. Let's practice quick obedience. When God prompts me to do something, I need to do it!  

Resist the urge to say "once the church does 'x’ THEN I can be missional.  Until we become missional ourselves as individuals, the church won't be.  Don't wait for the church to throw a small group at it or throw an event at it.  Throw yourself at it! YOU are a missionary!


Assignment for this week:

Do something to bless or simply converse with one neighbor on your street or someone you don't know well this week.


Join The Conversation! - Next: Sunday, May 11th, 3pm-5pm

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