Tuesday, March 24, 2015

EXPLORE IT - Romans 12:9-21

Our passage this week brings us back to the book of Romans.  Romans is actually a letter written by Paul to the believers in Rome.  Many of the original founders of the Roman church were Jewish Christians, but sometime in the 40’s A.D., the Emperor Claudius banished the entire Jewish community from Rome.  From that time until Claudius’ death in A.D. 54, the Roman Church was entirely comprised of Gentile Christians.

When Claudius died in A.D. 54, many of the Jewish community returned to Rome and dissention between the Jewish Christians and the Gentile Christians began.  Paul wrote his letter to the Romans in A.D. 57 to address these “growing pains” as culture clashes continued to become more apparent.

In our passage this week, Romans 12:9-21, Paul uses a teaching style called parenesis.  This teaching method consists of a series of instructions that have little connection between them (“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:9-10).  Generally, most of Paul’s directives in this passage encourage the Romans to get along with one another!

Getting along with one another begins with the command that love must be sincere.  The word Paul uses here for love is agape (avga,ph).  This term for love refers to an unconditional, not expecting anything in return kind of love.  As “The Church” we are called to love one another without condition; not a fakey, façade, showy love, but a true love filled with concern and care for each other.

We are excited to be launching our PoC|Coverage (the new Thursday evening prayer service/initiative) on April 9 at 6pm.  This will be an awesome opportunity for us to express agape love to our church family.  We would love to see you on April 9!

Pastor Amy

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