Monday, June 29, 2015

The Book of Habakkuk

Some of us didn’t have a clue that a book called Habakkuk existed, and now that we do, we’re not sure if we’re even pronouncing the name right. But, there it is, tucked in between the equally obscure books of Nahum and Zephaniah, unlikely that we would have ever found it. You’re probably wondering why we chose it.   

Some people dismiss the minor prophets as outdated and irrelevant. Instead of delving into these books, some choose to spend their time in more practical books like James. What they fail to realize is that Habakkuk is part of the foundation of the faith that James so plainly fleshes out. Habakkuk is one of the smallest, yet most powerful books in the Old Testament. It has inspired some of the most influential leaders in the history of the Christian faith. 

Personally, I love Habakkuk. I love his raw and honest heart. My prayer is that we will walk by faith and not by sight; that our confidence will not be found in our circumstances, but that in every circumstance we will be found resting in the sovereignty of God. We know that weird, strange, scary, and even evil things happen all around us. Sometimes the God we have isn’t the God we thought we would have. Together we can see, as God counsels Habakkuk, what it might look like for PoC to fully realize a trusting relationship with our loving and all-powerful God. 

Let’s Keep Talking About Jesus, 

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