Friday, February 5, 2016

Living on Mission – The Older Son

Living on Mission – The Older Son

This part of the story could have been called “How Not to Do It.” This guy! Angry. Bitter. Jealous. Ungrateful. Stubborn. Pouty. Lost.

Wait, lost? Yes! It’s easy to recognize the lostness of the younger son, but this son was just as lost as his little brother. This son was lost because he had no idea who he really was or who his father was.

The older son did everything he was supposed to do. (As we heard about in his rant to his father.) He worked hard. He was responsible. He wasn’t a party animal. He didn’t appear to be lost at all –but he didn’t know and understand and live as if he was his father’s son and heir. He didn’t really know his father either – he didn’t understand his character, kind heart, willingness to forgive, and his unconditional love for both sons.

The older brother didn’t behave like the beloved son he was because he thought and acted like a slave. “All these years I’ve slaved for you.” (Luke 15:29) This son missed out on so much because of this wrong mindset. He clearly missed out on a close relationship with his brother and father. He missed out on the love and security and joy that was rightfully his. He missed out on the celebration when his younger brother finally came home.

I have no idea where this slave idea came from for the older son, but many of us think the same way. How about you? Do you know and act like the beloved child of God that you are, or are you plagued with a slave mindset? Are you a son or a slave?

As we saw earlier, the mindset of slavery robs us of many things, not the least of which is the way we see and relate to the “younger brothers” around us. The slavery mindset could make us see the younger brothers as entitled irresponsible jerks who deserve whatever they get from their bad choices. The sonship mindset aches for our brothers to turn around and come home because we love them and we know our Father would give anything to have them back.

Let’s practice Living on Mission and NOT behave like slaves as the older son did. Let’s believe and behave as though we are the beloved, cherished, valued, precious children of our gracious Father, because that is who we really are! Then we will have an accurate view of our younger brothers and wholeheartedly celebrate when they come home.

Pastor Angela

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