Friday, April 15, 2016

Living on Mission, Being Disciples Who Make Disciples

Living on Mission, Being Disciples Who Make Disciples

John 1:35-51

This portion of scripture is filled with people deciding to follow Jesus. How exciting! I noticed something else about it that is really cool, too. People just like you and me were involved in many others making the decision to follow Him. Read it again and notice what was happening when people started to believe.

·      John the Baptist declared, “Look, there’s the Lamb of God!” and two of his own followers decided to follow Jesus
·      One of those two (Andrew) went and got his brother (Peter) and brought him to Jesus
·      Jesus personally sought out Phillip and invited him to follow
·      Phillip went to find Nathanael and said, “We found the Messiah, His name is Jesus, come and meet Him”

It’s almost like a game of tag! One led to another that led to another and so on. Notice also that these folks had JUST MET JESUS themselves when they turned around and invited another person to follow Him. They didn’t have the whole “discipleship” thing figured out, and they sure weren’t experts on Jesus yet. They were just one step ahead of the person they tagged, and they ended up journeying with Jesus together – learning His ways as they went along.

This is what our lives as disciples are meant to be: following Jesus together, encouraging one another on the journey, sharing what we’ve learned and experienced with Him, loving Him and the people He loves, doing whatever He asks us to do.

Let’s practice Living on Mission and be disciples who make disciples.

Pastor Angela

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