Wednesday, June 25, 2014

FAMILY IT! -- Family Devotion Wednesday -- "Stronger Together"

Every Wednesday we’ll share a devotional thought about the weekly passage designed to be shared with your family.  Our hope it to bring everyone in the house around the proverbial table to connect through God’s Word.  Maybe you already do this in your house.  Awesome!  This could be an addition to your regular Wednesday time.  If family devotion time is new to you and your kids, this is a great opportunity to start with a weekly activity.  It may help to pick a consistent time when you’re already together, like before breakfast or right after dinner.  Use your natural family rhythms to maximize the opportunity.  

Ok, ready for some family time? 

Supplies: Bible

Start by reading Genesis 18 together.  (If you have younger children, just paraphrase.)  

When I read this passage, there are so many things God does that surprise me.  But the most surprising part of this story is when He decides to get Abraham’s input on His plan for Sodom and Gomorrah.  I mean, He’s GOD.  He doesn’t need anyone else’s input, anybody’s rubber stamp of approval.  As the omnipotent Lord Almighty, He can do whatever He wants.  And it’s not like He needs a sounding board—He’s omniscient, the all-knowing Creator of Heaven and Earth!  And yet the Father chooses to bring Abraham into His decision-making process, and through that, deepen their relationship. 

God models a truth about people here: when we make decisions with other people, we strengthen our connection.  By sincerely seeking input from others, we offer a sense of value and respect for them that can be hard to come by.   I remember a time when my dad was looking to change jobs.  There were several options on the table, and all of them involved an out-of-state move.  I was in junior high at the time, so I knew what it meant when my folks said some of the possibilities offered higher or lower salary or that taking a certain job would mean more or less time at home for my dad.  Even so, I was surprised when my parents asked for my input.  Now I was not naive enough to think that my opinion would be the final word.  I knew better than that, and yet I still had a sense of importance that Mom and Dad would want to know what I thought about everything.  When decision time finally came, we were a stronger family because we had discussed it together.

Every person has to make some big decisions in their life.  New jobs, new homes, new schools.  Whether or not to start swim lessons and stop soccer.  When to date, whom to date…or maybe even if to date.  Some decisions are kind of small things, like where to go on vacation, while others are kind of big things, like where to go to college.  Every person has to make some big decisions, but when we choose to make those decisions as a family, sincerely listening to each other’s thoughts, we strengthen our family bond.  Take some time now to share some decisions each of you are thinking about.  Maybe it’s a big thing, or maybe it seems insignificant.  Share it anyway.  See what your family has to add to your thought process.  Even very young children can offer input on vacation destinations, etc.

Of course, the strongest families have the Father within them, a welcomed member around the table.  As much as we seek the voice of others, we should seek His voice most of all.  (In the end, it was God who decided which job my dad should take.)  Close your time together by offering up your decisions to Him, listening for His input and guidance.

Loving Father, we praise You for the love You pour out so freely.  Your love allows us to have options.  Your grace allows us the freedom to do what we want to do.  But here and now, we choose to follow You and Your leading.  Guide us as a family through this process, Lord.  Bring us closer to each other and to You.  In Your Holy name we pray.  Amen.

Did you and your family enjoy this devotional blog?  We'd love to know about it!  Our hope is to continue providing this weekly opportunity for families to do a devotion together.  If your family did this devotion, please shoot us an email, text or just post a comment to this blog.

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