Tuesday, January 13, 2015

EXPLORE IT - Matthew 5:17-20

Within Christian culture today, we run into the thought that the Old Testament is not relevant anymore; that we no longer live under “The Law,” but we now live under “Grace.”  Some would even say that we no longer need to read the Old Testament, that we should focus our time and effort learning how to live our lives by reading and studying the New Testament.  I would disagree.

The Old Testament reveals the story of the Israelites and their relationship with God.  The Hebrew Nation of the Old Testament was a Theocracy, a form of government where God is The Ruler.  There was no separation between sacred and secular or church and state.  God was the one who laid out the law and God was the one who laid out the punishment if the law was broken.  God had a desire for His people to be set apart from the surrounding countries and cultures.  This is why many of the Old Testament laws and standard seem strange and sometimes very specific.  God desired that His people lead a “better” life. 

He desired for His people to not live in poverty; that is why there are laws requiring forgiveness of debts every seven years (“At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts.” Deuteronomy 15:1).  He desired His people to be well; that is why there are laws pertaining to food, what the Israelites can and cannot eat (Deuteronomy 14:3-21).  Just as parents want the best for their children, God wanted the best for His children, the Israelites.

With the coming of Jesus, God is not doing away with His law, He is expanding upon it…in fact, He is requiring us to step up our game!  Today, God still desires for us as His children to be set apart from the cultures around us, but now it is not only about our actions, it is about our heart.  We are now called to a righteousness (a fancy word for morality or virtue) that, “surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law.”  We are called not to just be “good people” with our actions, we are called to, “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'” and also “'Love your neighbor as yourself.'” (Mark 12:30-31).

So, where is your heart?  Are you seeking to turn your heart to loving God and others more than you love yourself?  Are you all about rules and regulations or are you seeking a virtuous/righteous life?

Pastor Amy

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