Tuesday, January 20, 2015

EXPLORE IT - Matthew 5:21-26

In our culture today, it is common to teasingly call each other names – idiot, stupid, dork, and the like are used as friendly jabs as we roll our eyes at one another.  In our passage today, we learn that calling someone names is as great an offense as murder.  Scholars believe ‘raca’ to be similar to a word in Aramaic that is translated ‘empty’ and is used as an insult on someone’s intelligence.  It seems to be similar to calling someone ‘empty-headed,’ ‘nitwit,’ blockhead,’ or ‘bonehead.’  The other word in our passage, 'fool', is used seven times in the Greek text of the Gospel of Matthew.  This word holds both moral and religious overtones and is applied to those who are foolish because they deny God’s existence.  The word 'raca' shows contempt for someone’s head while 'fool' reveals scorn for someone’s heart/character.

Angry thoughts and slighting words may never lead to murder, but God sees them as equal.  Words are very powerful.  Oftentimes our thoughts, looks, and words lead us down paths we never intend.  Our passage encourages us to go immediately and make amends, even leaving worship behind for a few moments in order to set relationships aright (Matthew 5:23-24).  This is more important to God than continuing to stumble through worship when our thoughts are elsewhere, being angry with someone and not completely focusing on God.

Who in your life do you need to make amends with?  Maybe you need to make a phone call, immediately!  Or maybe a well thought out letter would be a healthier way to reach out.  Prayerfully consider what next steps God has for you as you reach out for reconciliation, your eternity may just depend on it.

Pastor Amy

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