Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Family It!

Family It!

Supplies: Bible, a straw for each person, and a cotton ball

When I (Pastor Todd) was in the 3rd grade I had two friends:  Michael & David.  These guys were my best friends.  Sure I had other friends, but Michael & David were at the top of the list.  We were dreamers and schemers and planners and inventors who were always making up some big big Trio-sized trouble or wonder.  One October we decided that the three of us were going to create and host the world’s best haunted house in Michael’s garage.  We jumped in with all six feet and spent every minute of recess writing out the plan, imagining costumes, guessing our fortune that we just knew we would make, and brainstorming awesome ways to scare all our customers.  As the planning went along, I found that David was a bigger “believer” in our haunted house dream than Michael.  Perhaps Michael doubted because he never really ran the idea by his parents.  I don’t know.  But all I knew was that David was a believer, and Michael doubted.  David just knew we could pull it off and that it would be a hit.  Michael was afraid we’d fail and be embarrassed.

For the next several weeks, we’re going to be exploring 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13 together. Read this passage with your family. Today we are focusing on verses 5 and 6.

Gather around your table with your family and place a cotton ball at end of the table (the starting line).  Give each person a straw and say, “Each person will take turns seeing how far we can blow this cotton ball.  The person who blows it the farthest wins.”  Before you start, ask each player who they believe will be the winner.  Ask each person why they voted the way they did.  After the game, compliment the winner with high-fives all around!

In my story about my friends, Michael and David, I discovered that one of my friends believed and one did not.  I’m not sure why Michael doubted, but it didn’t make me or David feel very good.  It’s not fun knowing that someone doesn’t believe in you.  

In the Bible story, Paul (the writer) says that most of the children of God didn’t please God.  Actually, if you read the story of Joshua and Caleb and the Spies who were sent to scout out the Promised Land (Numbers 13-14) you can see that God had big plans, big big dreams, for His children.  He promised to give them the land.  The spies were sent in to look around, and all but Joshua and Caleb began to doubt.  Only Joshua and Caleb believed that God would bring the victory.

1)  How do you think it made Pastor Todd and David feel when Michael did not believe in them?
2)  How do you think it made God feel when the spies did not believe in Him?
3)  How do you think it makes God feel today when we do not trust Him?
4)  What is something that you need to trust God for right now?

Jesus, sometimes it’s hard to trust you, but we know that Your Word says that you have big plans for us.  Please forgive us when we do not trust you, and teach us to trust you more. We love you. Amen.

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