Friday, March 29, 2019

READ IT! - Introduction to the Book of Nahum

Introduction to the Book of Nahum 


Nahum’s name means: Consoled, Comforted, Reassured. Little known about Nahum. Called an Elkoshite. Elkosh location unknown, assumed to be Capernaum (“the village of Nahum”). He warned Assyria’s capital Nineveh of God’s wrath. 


The book was perhaps written between 663-612 B.C. He is assumed to have ministered during Assyria’s domination over Judah. We know that Nineveh was destroyed in 612 B.C., and this date gives a rough estimate of Nahum’s time frame of prophesy. In Nahum 3:8-10 the prophet speaks of the fall of the city of Thebes which was in Upper Egypt. This prophecy must have been written after this time but not too long after because Thebes quickly recovered which would have been a bad example for the people of Nineveh. 

Nahum’s Message 

Nahum was sent to foretell the destruction of evil Nineveh to the people. Nahum 1:3 says that “the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished.” The book of Nahum ends with this: “Nothing can heal your wound; your injury is fatal. Everyone who hears the news about you claps his hands at your fall, for who has not felt your endless cruelty?” He criticizes Assyrian policies for going against God’s will, and he declares that a “violent disruption” will take place. But the People of Nineveh didn’t believe that judgment was coming. In fact, they laughed at the prophet! 

There are three important truths Nahum teaches us: 

The universality of God’s Kingdom. The LORD rules among the nations.
God’s government has a retributive character. As Nineveh sowed, so must Nineveh reap.
God’s universal government is subordinate to the LORD’s scheme of grace.

Chapter 1 

Nahum prophesies against Nineveh: “The LORD takes vengeance on his enemies. The LORD says, ‘I will break his yoke from you.’ Hold your feasts, O Judah!” 

Chapter 2 

Nahum says, “The LORD is restoring Jacob. Chariots race through the streets. Nineveh is like a draining pool. ‘I am against you,’ declares the LORD.” 

Chapter 3 

Nahum says, “Woe to the bloody city! God declares, ‘The nations will look at your shame.’ Draw water for the siege. Your shepherds are asleep, O king of Assyria.”

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