Thursday, August 7, 2014

Contend Together - A Letter From Pastor Todd

Dear PoC Contenders,
I’m really looking forward to worshiping with you this coming Sunday.  Summer has roared by with such speed and I have missed being with all of you.  I’m excited to jump into this next sermon series, “Hey Jude: Put Up Your Dukes!”  I believe God has a lot to show us through this short but powerful New Testament letter.  I’d encourage you to go ahead and read through this great and wonderful “put up your dukes” scripture.  
Years ago, I helped direct a youth camp.  One night I was given the task of supervising a late night talk that was taking place in the tabernacle between some college-aged men and a group of female campers.  I didn’t know what the talk was about, but I sat in the back and listened to what quickly became a hot mess.  The men intended to talk to these young ladies about how to keep the bar high and how they should not settle for less when choosing to date someone.  A fine message  - Yes!  But, what I saw in the delivery was another motive, another agenda.  These self-appointed message-men, obviously, were taking great pride in being “that sweet guy” who offered such “cute” advice.  After the talk, those winky-eyed college men each received about a hundred hugs (the pay-off) each with all the “You are a princess” drama and tears that you would expect.  There was no mention of God, no mention of Jesus, no mention of the Bible.  It became clear to me that these young men were finding their significance in being “knights in shining armor” more than in being messengers of wise Gospel.
When I spoke to them that night, I had intended to bring a very positive and uplifting word about our shared hope, but a great big “BUT FIRST . . .” that could not be stopped rose up out of my chest and out of my mouth.  I couldn’t proceed to the message until I had first addressed this very “false” display that I had witnessed.  My message was, “Guard your heart . . . God must have the spotlight.”  I felt as if the most pressing thing at that time was to pull the focus back to God, to His Son, to His Spirit, to His Word, and to His mission.  Truth is, very wise men and women have had to have the same talk with me over the years.  It’s a needed understanding.
This is what we see happening in Jude.  Jude looks forward to talking to the church about the hope of Jesus’ salvation, but other things are happening.  A great big “BUT FIRST” rises up within Jude and contends for listening ears.  I think His message is just as meaningful, powerful, and applicable today as it was then.
I look forward to contending with you and your family this week.  Invite.  Invite.  Invite.
God is not done saving us.
Your Pastors Are Praying For You!

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