Thursday, August 7, 2014

PRAY IT! Compassion for Crowds

When I see a large crowd, my first instinct is to retreat quickly.  Needless to say, you probably won't find me at Walmart on a Saturday mid-morning!  In Matthew 14:14, we read about one of the many, many instances of the compassion Jesus had for others, including large crowds.  "When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick." 

In Matthew 9, we are exposed time and time again to instances where Jesus acted compassionately toward those who were in need and hurting.  He extended friendship.  He provided healing.  He offered steadfast love.  In verse 13, Jesus suggests to the Pharisees, who are questioning his friendship with sinners, that they "Go and find out what is meant by the scripture that says: ‘It is kindness that I want, not animal sacrifices.’ "

Jesus also had a top-notch prayer life.  One of the most essential things we can do as we live the compassionate life God has called us to is to pray for people.  Pray for individuals.  Pray for crowds.  Pray.  Yet this is often an easily skipped step.  Why?  Distractions of life?  A desire to skip ahead to actions that seem to have more tangible results?  Feeling like your own relationship with God isn't where it needs to be ,so how could you possibly come to God on behalf of others?  Whatever the reason, God has an answer:  Pray.  God has a solution:  Come to me!

Pray now for God to remove barriers and distractions. 
Consider selecting a specific time and place for you to pray as you and God work to make prayer intentional and consistent.
Prayer pairs quite well with Scripture - consider combining prayer and Bible reading time and see what happens.
Prior to interceding on behalf of others, spend some time praising God and thanking Him for what He has done for you (and others).  Spend some time asking God to forgive you.  God is faithful.  Remind yourself constantly of who God is... who it is you are praying to... and watch the obstacles and hurdles come down!

In order to pray compassionately for the people around us, we need a healthy prayer life, and we need Godly compassion.  Spending time with God daily is the response and solution to increasing our compassion for the people God has placed in our lives.

Jesus, stir my heart with compassion for the broken and hurting around me.  Teach me what it means to show "kindness" when I travel through my city.  Amen.

Join us tonight at 7pm - The PoC Prayer Service. 

Pastor Celia

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