Tuesday, October 14, 2014

EXPLORE IT - Genesis 42:1-28

I love this week’s passage!  It’s full of travel, adventure, …and family drama.  Genesis 42:1-28, begins with a “meanwhile, back at the farm…” feeling.  It’s been twenty years since we have heard anything from Jacob and his brothers (except for the brief interlude with Judah in Genesis 38).  We haven’t heard about their families or their wellbeing.  We don’t know how the brothers have dealt with selling Joseph into slavery or how Jacob has worked through his grief, believing Joseph is dead.  We do see right away that Jacob is still the patriarch of the family.  He orders his sons to go to Egypt to buy grain for the family.  Knowing that Jacob’s family is quite large, we can assume they must have been doing well financially to be able to afford purchasing enough grain for everyone!

As the ten brothers arrive (with Benjamin staying at home with Jacob), Joseph recognizes them immediately.  With the brothers bowing down, Joseph remembers his earlier dreams when he saw sheaves of grain bowing to him (representing his brothers) as well as eleven stars, the moon, and the sun bowing to him (representing his brothers and his parents) (Genesis 37:5-9).  Joseph remembers, after God helped him to forget (Manasseh).

Joseph is seeing partial fulfillment of both dreams (not all of the brothers are present and neither are his parents).  Joseph’s wisdom comes shining through as he devises a plan to send his brothers away, detaining one to ensure their return with Benjamin, Joseph’s only full-blooded brother.  Three times Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies and three times they respond with more and more information about their family.  The character of the brothers is also revealed.  Joseph is able to witness their honesty and he also learns that his eldest brother, Reuben, was not in favor of selling him into slavery.  This may be why Joseph held Simeon, the second oldest, instead of Reuben.

The brothers buy the grain and head home only to find their money back in their sacks.  They wonder, “What is this that God has done to us?”  The adventure continues.

I am excited to dive deeper with you into this great adventure on Sunday at 10am as I share the message during our worship service!  I can hardly stand the wait!!

Pastor Amy

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