Tuesday, July 8, 2014


In Luke 9:51-56, Jesus and His disciples begin their journey to Jerusalem.  As they travel, Jesus continues to teach and share His message with the villages they pass.  The messengers go before the rest of the group to make preparations.  Some believe these messengers were similar to John the Baptist and went ahead to prepare the townspeople for Jesus’ message.  Others believe these messengers were sent ahead to make lodging arrangements.  Both options are possible, but in our passage of Scripture, the preparations were cut short. As the messengers went into a Samaritan village, the villagers did not welcome them. 

The Samaritans were of mixed race.  They descended from a mix of pure-blooded Israelites and non-Israelite bloodlines.  Because of this, pure-blooded Israelites despised them because they believed the Samaritans compromised the faith.  The Samaritans only acknowledged the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament) and worshiped at Mount Gerizim (within the Samaritan territory) instead of Mount Zion (just south of Jerusalem).  Passing through the region the Samaritans lived would take a three day journey.  Many Israelites chose to travel around the area, lengthening their journey by several days and many miles.
When the messengers are rejected, many scholars believe it is because Jesus and His disciples are on their way to Jerusalem and Mount Zion.  This failure to acknowledge Mount Gerizim as a possible destination might be seen as a rejection of the Samaritans so they in turn reject Jesus.  James and John react very strongly to this rejection and suggest the village be wiped out completely.  This drastic suggestion illustrates the loyalty James and John have for Jesus, but it may also demonstrates their attitude towards the Samaritans.
Jesus not only says no to James and John, but He rebukes them as well.  Jesus’ current ministry is not about an immediate judgment.  There are warnings about judgment, but those speak to a time in the future.  God is allowing individuals time to reflect on their decision.  We don’t receive a full account of Jesus’ rebuke, but we are left to understand that judgment will come in the future, but it is God’s place to be the judge.
Jesus and His disciples continue on their way to the next village, continuing to spread their message.  The next village is probably Samaritan as well and we don’t have accounts of how many successful versus non-successful stops they made along the way.  We do know they kept going, we do know they kept spreading the message, and we hope some of those who initially rejected Jesus’ message came to accept it at a later time.  We too need to continue spreading the message of Jesus and His Salvation to those around us.  When someone rejects our message, they are rejecting Jesus, not us.  Like the disciples, we need to continue in our mission no matter what…and hopefully those who initially reject Him will reconsider and come to know Jesus as Lord someday.
Pastor Amy

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