Friday, July 4, 2014

On Mission with Daniel and the Boys

Jerusalem and the land of Judah had been overtaken.  Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were outstanding young Israelites who were brought to Babylon to be trained in the ways of the Babylonians for three years prior to serving King Nebuchadnezzar. They were surrounded by strange customs, languages, and religious beliefs. The officials even changed their names. Surrounded by an unfamiliar (and evil) world they remained faithful to the one true God and were His witnesses. They became influencers in the kingdom by finding favor and earning a solid reputation with the officials and the king.  They also maintained their relationship with God and held tightly to the good news that their God was THE God and able to deliver them.
Favor + Reputation = Influence
Almost immediately upon their arrival these four young men found favor with the officials. Psalm 5:12 says, “For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.” (or a fireproof suit) Because of the favor, they had the opportunity to build a credible reputation. They proved that their eating habits were healthier than the royal eating plan. They proved that through God they could interpret dreams better than anyone Babylon had to offer.  They proved that their beliefs in the one true God were solid enough to carry them – literally – through any fiery trial.  These fellas were up to their eyeballs in credibility and they wound up with great influence in the kingdom because of it.
The Gospel
Wait. What? Back up a minute. What could these Old Testament fellas know about the Gospel?  Well, this story is a beautiful example of what God’s desire has been all along: to rescue and redeem His people. That’s the heart of the Good News! Obviously these four young men didn’t have the entire picture, but they had a very real relationship with a very real God who would deliver them.
How can we use this story to help us live on mission today?  These four Israelites were thrust into a new world but they didn’t conform to it. They remained faithful to God.  We, too, find ourselves living in a world that doesn’t understand or even know about the Kingdom we were born into.  Instead of being influenced by the world we live in, we must remain faithful to our King and the ways of his Kingdom. Our mission is to share the Good News and to make disciples, teaching others to live as we live – shaped by the beliefs, customs, and practices of the Kingdom of God, not of this world.  As we remain faithful to God, His favor will open doors for us to build a credible reputation and earn influence in our communities so that we can act as agents of the Gospel of redemption. 
Let’s practice living on mission and get caught RedHanded – LovingOurCity.
Pastor Angela

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