Wednesday, July 16, 2014

FAMILY IT! — Wednesday Family Devotion — “One of These Things”

Supplies: Bible; several similar objects and one item that is different

Do you remember that old game from “Sesame Street”?  Three of these things belong together; three of these things are kind of the same.  One of these things is not like the others…  (That song will now be going through your head for the rest of the day.  You’re welcome.)  Play a quick version with your kids.  Gather some items that “are kind of the same” and on that is “not like the others.”  For younger children it could be as simple as three forks and a spoon, or three green toys and one red one.  For older kids you could try to amp up the challenge (a marker, a pen, a pencil and a straw—three writing utensils and one not; or scissors, knife, razor and spatula—three cutting tools and one not; etc.)  See what associations they can make and applaud creativity.  Then ask your kids, “Would you rather be one of the three things that belong together, or the one that’s not like the other?  Do you like being kind of like the people around you or do you prefer to stick out as unique/different?”

Most people prefer to be part of a like-minded group.  It’s that whole “birds of a feather” mentality.  We are drawn to people who are similar to ourselves.  Soccer players hang out with other soccer players.  Ballerinas hang out with other ballerinas.  When you look in most lunch rooms, you will see this trend play out.  Second graders sit with second graders.  Band geeks sit with band geeks.  (Go band!)  Why do you think that is?  Share your ideas with each other.  How can that tendency be used for God’s glory?  How might it hinder the Good News message?

Our passage this week is from a time when the Israelites were wrestling with their exile, taken captive in the pagan world of Babylon.  Read Jeremiah 29:4-7 and see what God has to say to His chosen people.  Paraphrase for younger children.

The Israelites have been shaken out of their group.  The band geeks have been forced to sit at the jock table…and they don’t quite know what to do with themselves.  And then God steps in and tells them to eat up.  He encourages them to claim a chair, get comfy, and get on with lunch.  He doesn’t want them to give up their identity; in fact, that’s part of the point.  They are to be themselves in the midst of others.  Talk about marching band maneuvers while surrounded by football players.  Worship the one true God in a neighborhood where everyone else worships 7-10 gods.  Live life well and help the people around you do the same.

Have you ever been in a situation like the Israelites?  Take turns describing times when you felt completely out of place, like you didn’t belong.  What did you want more than anything else in that moment?  It is so comforting to be with people who are like us, especially in the church.  We like our church friends because they get that “Jesus” part of us.  But if we’re going to make more disciples, more Christians, we may have to be around people who are different—people who don’t  get that “Jesus” part of us.  Now, that doesn’t mean we have to run out and force ourselves into people’s lives.  Ballerinas don’t have to join the soccer team.  In fact, I’d advise against that.  But if God puts you in that situation, be ready to bloom.  Don’t just sit quietly, hoping He changes your seat.  Be you—the you God made and the you God sent.  It may just be that those “other three things that belong together” start looking and sounding a little like you.


Loving Father, thank you for making me a part of a Christian family.  We are blessed by the support we get from others who know you like we do.  I know at times, though, I may be the odd one out.  In those times, God, help me not to run and hide, not to blend in with my surroundings, but to keep being me—the me you sent.  Lord, grow me and, through me, grow my school, my neighborhood, my job, my family—all for your glory!  Amen.

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