Tuesday, November 25, 2014

EXPLORE IT - 1 Corinthians 10:31

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV)
As a pastor, one of the most humbling experiences I participate in is presiding over the Communion table.  Whenever I prepare for serving Communion, I have to make sure the elements (the bread and juice) are ready, I have to know what I am going to say,  I need to know how the congregation will participate (pass plates, come forward, etc.), there are several components that must be in place.  But I also feel the need to prepare myself.  I must make sure I have prayed and sought God for forgiveness, coming to a place of reconciliation with Him.  Serving Communion is an honor and I do it for the glory of God.
We are entering into a sermon series entitled “Joy to the Work.”  We will be looking at everything we do and realizing with everything we do, we are called to “do it all for the glory of God.”  While it is obvious to me that serving Communion is a weighty ministerial opportunity, I sometimes forget that teaching group fitness or working with clients at the gym are also weighty ministerial opportunities.  I always prepare my heart and mind for the ministry of Communion, but I rarely prepare myself with prayer before I head to the gym.  I wonder, am I missing opportunities to share Jesus with those around me because I am not as prepared as I could be?
Every day we enter the mission field.  Whether we are going to a corporate job, staying at home to minister to our children, or just heading to the gym, we are all in the world as God’s representatives.  Whatever we do, we are to “do it all for the glory of God.”  We must bring our best mindset and attitude into everything we do.  Those who know us, know Jesus by our actions and attitudes.  If we have a crummy work ethic, our co-workers will think Jesus has a crummy work ethic.  If we have a bad attitude, those around us will think Jesus has a bad attitude. 
But, if we are loving, and care for those around us, instead of just getting through the day so we can get home, we begin to build relationships with those around us.  We begin to be able to speak into the lives of others, encouraging them, sharing our faith with them, and even introducing them to The One who has made such a difference in our lives.
This series is going to challenge all of us, maybe even make us a little uncomfortable as we are encouraged to continue to grow – becoming a little more like Jesus every day.
I’ll see you Sunday!
Pastor Amy

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a great blog post. Your time not reading your fourth book was well spent!


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