Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Long Psalm 23 -- A Letter from Pastor Todd

Dear PoC, the Good,
Several years ago I was called upon to do a funeral.  A very very awkward funeral.
I didn’t know the man who died.  I didn’t know his family.  A friend of a friend of a friend sorta kinda knew me, so when the family decided at the last minute to have an actual service, I was asked if I would help.
I met with the family like I typically do and asked questions about the deceased.  No one answered.  Not one question.  I asked them to share their memories.  Nothing.  I asked them to tell me some kind things about him.  Zip.  Finally, I said, “Would you like for me to just plan a service that hits all the traditional notes of a typical funeral?”  They nodded.  The man’s son spoke up and said, “Sorry we’re not more help, Pastor.  He wasn’t a very nice man.  It’s complicated.”   The family left, and the funeral director and I just stared at each other.  Finally she said, “Better you than me.”  Great!
How horrible it would be to leave a legacy of hurt, to be known only as a bitter, angry, argumentative, hateful, complaining old man.  Very few people were at the funeral.  I stretched Psalm 23 out as slowly and meaningfully as I could.  Two of his adult children talked through the entire service.  But, they did thank me.  Called me, “Tim”.  Awkward.
This coming Sunday is our last week to meet with Jacob and Joseph and all His brothers.  It’s going to be a powerful service as we look at a life well lived.  We’re going to look at that powerful verse in Genesis 50:20 that we used to kick off our series so many weeks ago.  At the end of the service, we’re going to consider two important questions:
  1. How is your relationship with God?
  2. How are your relationships with others?
We’re going to ask the Lord to shine a light on our relationships now . . . before it’s too late.  
PoC, I think there’s still plenty of time to become known as peace-givers.  And, I think you’re up for the challenge.  Which is good . . . ‘cause I’d like to think that I’ve done my last awkward funeral.  That would be nice.
Great things are happening!  God is amazing!  Invite like mad!
Your Pastor Is Praying For You,

Pastor Todd

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