Friday, November 28, 2014

Living on Mission and Realizing It’s All Sacred

Living on Mission and Realizing It’s All Sacred

It’s all sacred. I have had such a hard time wrapping my head around this idea. I mean, there’s holy stuff and there’s regular stuff, right? Why would God care about the regular stuff?

For most of my life I lived under the impression that God really only cared about the stuff I did for Him – like worship, going to church, giving, and praying. All of the other stuff I did was just a big, fat, waste of time that I should really try to minimize. I mean, why would God care about the endless meetings I am in every day or the documentation I create?

This mindset impacted my everyday life with God. It made it hard for me to understand Daily Presence. How could I “enter and remain in the presence of God daily” when I had to go to work? Was I supposed to quit my job and stay at home and pray all day? How was I supposed to abide when I had to disconnect from the holy stuff to do all of the regular, non-holy stuff required in my day?

Truth be told, I still struggle at times with this mindset, but I’m learning. I’m learning that while God may or may not care much about the Test Strategy or the Migration Approach documents I have to create, He cares very much about the people I interact with about these things every day. He cares very much about all of the people I pass in the hallway as I walk to the next meeting. He cares about the people we all interact with every day. In fact, He cares so much about these people that he sent us (yes, you POCers!) there as priests and ambassadors of His Kingdom, as missionaries to engage the culture and show what His love looks like every day.

He has sent us into the places where we live and work for a reason. “But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you – from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.” (1 Pet 2:9,10 MSG)

So, yes, it’s all sacred because we can actually abide in His presence every moment. We can be connected to Him while we’re walking down the hallway at work, writing a document, building a house, washing dishes, repairing carburetors, folding clothes, caring for a patient, or cleaning toilets. We can experience and share His life changing love every moment of every day.

Let’s practice Living on Mission, and realize that every part of our life is sacred. We can dedicate it all to God and embrace the fact that He has sent us into the places where we live and work to share the Good News of His love and acceptance.

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