Wednesday, November 19, 2014

FAMILY IT! — Wednesday Family Devotional — “The Divine Time Manager”

Supplies: Bible, a piece of paper and writing utensil for each member of your family 

Each person in a family plays a specific role.  For example, my son is our comic relief.  While everyone in our family has the ability to make the others laugh, no one does it better than Noah. 
What about the people in your family?  What role or gift does each person bring to your group dynamic?  Hand out a piece of paper to each person and take a few minutes to write down each person’s role in your home-group.  Share your answers with each other.  Are any of your lists the same?  Is anybody surprised at what others think their role is?

I’m well aware of my position in our family.  I am the Time Manager.  I’m charged with making all of the appointments and to-do lists fit into a 24-hour period.  Multi-tasking is second nature.  I have the ability to plan the most efficient route to get all of the errands done in the shortest amount of time while simultaneously practicing math facts, pre-reading skills and sneaking in snack time.  I know exactly how many minutes it takes to brush teeth, tuck the kids in bed, pray, sing “Jesus Loves Me,” and turn out the lights.  I don’t work at it—it’s how I’m wired.  I value each second my family has and I want us to do the most with it.  Whether it’s school, playtime, family bonding, or serving God, I don’t want our time wasted on pointless things.  

Read Genesis 47:29-31 and 50:15-21 together as a family. 

Joseph’s story ends with an amazing verse.  Reread Genesis 50:20—“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”   Joseph says this to his brothers who, even after seventeen years of living with him in Egypt, are still concerned that “little brother big shot” might be carrying a grudge about those years in slavery and prison.  In his effort to calm his brothers fears, Joseph reveals this wonderful characteristic of God:  God doesn’t waste our time.

Our Creator and Sustainer is working so hard to redeem His children.  He’s not about to fritter away precious minutes (much less days/months/years) by walking us through pointless journeys.  Joseph had come to terms with the reality that, while incredibly unpleasant at times, his life path was necessary to get him from his beginning to God’s intended ending.  Each step—from favored son, to pit, to slave caravan, to palace, to prison, to bigger palace—had an impact on his position and/or his character.  In that time and place, it was the best way to get Joseph where God wanted him.  Not a single second of Joseph’s journey was wasted.

So what does that mean for us?  For you?  Well the same God who valued Joseph’s life path values yours.  Remember: God doesn’t waste time.  He is the ultimate in efficiency.  That means we can trust our path, we can trust that we’re in the right place, as long as we’re following Him.  Maybe today you feel like you’re killing time in a dead end job.  Maybe you think life is taking it’s sweet time while you’re stuck in school.  Are you wondering how many months/years you lost in that relationship, that friendship that’s now gone south?  What was the point of lallygagging through that illness?  How long are your parents going to delay before they finally let you  (fill in the blank) ?  How long is God going to jerk you around before He finally answers your prayers?

Sound familiar?  First off, if this hits really close to home, I emphatically encourage you to be a part of our Advent series starting November 30.  Seriously…don’t miss it.  In the meantime, if this is where you’re at, hold on to the truth that Joseph shares with you: God’s not wasting your time.  It may look like life is trying to harm you.  It may appear that the powers-that-be are trying to mess with you and turn your world upside down.  BUT know that God has a purpose.  He is using each and every second of your life to accomplish His great plan in the world and in you.  Your life is being used to help save many more lives.  How awesome is that!

Take some time in prayer together surrendering the “wastes of time” in your life right now.  Turn it over to God, trusting that He is using it to do great things.

Heavenly Father, we bow our heads before you today, recognizing that You can see the big picture.  Truthfully, we get caught in the little moments of “now,” often frustrated by where we aren’t and what isn’t.  Help us, God, to trust You with our time, with our journey.  We hold fast to Your promise that You are working everything…everything…toward Your plan.  In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.


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